"Zhytomyrskyi general-komissariat"@eng . . . . . . . "Житомирский генерал-комиссариат, г. Житомир"@eng . "Житомирский генерал-комиссариат, г. Житомир"@rus . . "730 files"@eng . "720 files"@rus . . "Zhytomyr General Commissariat"@eng . . . "Zhytomyrskyi general-komissariat"@eng . "The following files contain information about the organization of the occupation administrative and power apparatus, as well as anti-Jewish policies:\r\n\r\n\r\nFile 1. Orders for transfer of policemen, sentences, October 28, 1942 - October 21, 1943, 54 p.\r\n\r\nFile 2. Reports of district officials on their work in the field and the structure of the of the OUN (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists), July 31, 1941 - March 25, 1943, 179 p.\r\n\r\nFile 3. Reports by Kovalsky M., Vingalova N., Arendt M., Grinasevich M., Stavichenko M., Sheriy V., Vetvitsky S. and Kulitsky A., December 9, 1941 - February 24, 1942, 28 p.\r\n\r\nFile 5. List of those individuals hanged in Zhytomyr on Senna Square in 1942, January 24 - October 3, 1942, 93 p.\r\n\r\nFile 6. Call-up papers on the recruitment to SS troops. Lists of persons called, November 5, 1943, 60 p.\r\n\r\nFile 9. Orders by the gendarmerie commander of Zhytomyr. Emergency orders about shootings and the execution of partisans, March 12 - December 31, 1942, 101 p.\r\n\r\nFile 10. Orders by gendarmerie, August 26, 1942 - October 22, 1943, 60 p.\r\n\r\nFile 13. Secret reports of the regional organizers of the Bandera movement on field work, July 27 - November 2, 1941, 39 p.\r\n\r\nFile 14. Secret reports to the commander of Sipo and SD of Zhytomyr on the development of the Bandera movement, OUN and struggle against them, February 7 - May 7, 1942, 49 p.\r\n\r\nFile 15. Interrogations of the arrested, March 9 - May 29, 1942, 10 p.\r\n\r\nFile 16. Protocols of interrogations of persons accused of participating in Bandera's organization, March 9 - September 23, 1942, 67 p.\r\n\r\nFile 17. Circulars of the Reichsminister and correspondence of General Commissar, January 6, 1941 - December 16, 1942, 24 p.\r\n\r\nFile 19. Hitler's circulars on the organization of administration in occupied areas of the USSR. The boundaries and composition of the general district of Zhytomyr. Candidates and appointments to administrative posts, June 2 - November 3, 1941, 21 p.\r\n\r\nFile 20. Orders on the General district. The list of administrative institutions in Ukraine and the administrative division of the General district, August 25, 1941 - October 30, 1943, 176 p.\r\n\r\nFile 26. Orders of the Center (sic!). Decisions to awards. Formation of German settlements. Registration of Ukrainian employees and payment for their labor, October 30, 1941 - October 19, 1943, 120 p.\r\n\r\nFile 32. Orders of the supreme commander-in-chief. Leizer's appointment as general commissar. Reorganization and orders of the general commissariat, November 28, 1941 - November 2, 1943, 57 p.\r\n\r\nFile 35. Materials on abolishment of regional administrations in Zhytomyr and Vinnitsa, December 11, 1941 - March 6, 1942, 27 p.\r\n\r\nFile 42. Circulars and orders by district commissar of Ukraine and general commissar of Zhytomyr concerning the moods of the local population and creation of German colony Hegewald near Berdychiv, September 7, 1942 - September 23, 1943, 113 p.\r\n\r\nFile 45. Report by general commissar of Zhytomyr for March and April 1943, May 4, 1943, 18 p.\r\n\r\nFile 46. Lists of parts of Zhytomyr general district, its map, nominees and appointments by government officials to district positions. Correspondence, September 15 - October 10, 1941, 77 p.\r\n\r\nFile 47. Materials on organization of civilian administration in occupied Ukraine and correspondence, September 6, 1941 - October 30, 1943, 253 p.\r\n\r\nFile 50. Review of the economic and geographic location of Zhytomyr general district as of March 15, 1942 (Reichskommissariat publication), March 15, 1942, 25 p.\r\n\r\nFile 120. Materials for the registration and organization of the German population in the occupied territory, prohibition of marriages between Germans and persons of other ethnicities, the appointment of Garsha and other issues, November 1, 1941 - August 20, 1943, 144 p.\r\n\r\nFile 137. Secret orders and correspondence on ethnic politics in the occupied Ukraine, 19 August 1942 - November 8, 1943, 18 p.\r\n\r\nFile 145. Demographic information on Berdychiv gebietskommissariat, locations of Emilchino, Zhytomyr, Zviagel, Korosten, Ovruch, Olevsk, Chudnov for 1942, 1942, 120 p.\r\n\r\nFile 146. Materials on situation of Volksdeutsche, July 23, 1942 - August 30, 1943, 36 p.\r\n\r\nFile 147. Information on the number of churches and religious communities of Zhytomyr general district and statistics on them, June 24, 1942 - October 25, 1943, 179 p.\r\n\r\nFile 148. Decisions of district commissar on putting individuals into Volksdeutsche lists, organization of German communities and other materials, March 13, 1941 - September 28, 1943, 46 p.\r\n\r\nFile 153. Materials on organization of agricultural schools in Zhytomyr general district, plans and state of agricultural schools, July 30 - August 5, 1943, 13 p.\r\n\r\nFile 159. The order of the Zhytomyr gebietskommissar about the severe punishment for refusal from labor duty, about shooting for being on the street after the curfew. Ordinance by the general commissar on censorship, on the newspaper\"Voice of Voly\", November 20, 1941 - October 16, 1943, 76 p.\r\n\r\nFile 173. Reports of the printing house and lists of employees of the editorial office and printing house of\"Voice of Voly\" newspaper, April 25 - April 30, 1942, 9 p.\r\n\r\nFile 176. Originals of articles to be published in\"Voice of Voly\" newspaper. - May 14, 1942, November 22, 1943, 88 p.\r\n\r\nFile 187. Articles of anti-Soviet propaganda. Pastoral messages. Tasks for propagandists, October 22, 1942 - September 28, 1943, 73 p.\r\n\r\nFile 224. Circulars on taxation of population of Ukraine, October 21, 1941 - November 18, 1942, 119 p.\r\n\r\nFile 383. Correspondence with the SS regarding operations under its jurisdiction. Information on the number of Ukrainian Schutzpolice and Volksdeutsche in Zhytomyr region, September 25, 1942 - April 12, 1943, 16 p.\r\n\r\nFile 442. Recruitment of young people to work in Germany. Participation of district administrations in recruiting and rewarding local chairmen for that work. Address to young men and women, September 30, 1942 - September 30, 1943, 70 p.\r\n\r\nFile 702. Collection of articles for the press department, 1942, 281 p.\r\n\r\n"@eng . "Представлены директивные и агитационно-пропагандистские материалы, в том числе: секретный указ рейхсминистра оккупированных восточных территорий А. Розенберга от 31 июля 1943 г., касающийся расовой принадлежности караимов и обращения с ними*; подготовленный отделом прессы правительства Рейха и Министерством народного просвещения и пропаганды информационный материал «Евреи как политические убийцы», обвинявший евреев в непосредственной при- частности к наиболее резонансным убийствам политических деятелей во второй половине XIX : начале XX в. (1943); текст агитационной брошюры «Мысли фюрера» с изложением нацистской расовой теории, согласно которой евреи являлись «смесью азиатских и африканских рас, абсолютно чуждой всем народам Европы», и т. п. Также имеются копии документальных материалов Житомирской областной ЧГК, содержащие сведения об участии немецких оккупантов и их пособников из числа местных жителей в расстрелах еврейского населения; данные о евреях и лицах, преследуемых за содействие им, фигурировавших в розыскных списках немецкой полиции безопасности и СД (1942), и др."@rus . "Zhytomyr General Commissariat"@eng . . "Житомирский генерал-комиссариат, г. Житомир"@eng . . "Житомирский генерал-комиссариат, г. Житомир"@rus .