. "Fonds is very well preserved and contains important documents about the persecution of Jews living at the territory of district Poprad. It contains various documents concerning the aryanization of Jewish property, work permissions for Jews, employment of Jewish doctors and other experts etc. Fonds also contains the documents pertaining to the Concentration center for Jews in Poprad, such as reports on the deportations from that center during the 1942 deportation of Jews from Slovakia, report on the activities of Hlinka guard during the deportation etc. Besides that it contains various lists of Jews created by the state administration and security forces such as the list of Jews living at the territory of the district in February 1944 and other regionally important documents."@eng . . . . "Okresný úrad v Poprade"@eng . . "Okresný úrad v Poprade"@eng . . "Distric Office in Poprad"@eng . . "Distric Office in Poprad"@eng . . . "33 linear meters, paper documents"@eng .