. . "Okresný úrad v Levoči"@eng . "Fonds is arranged chronologically and numerically."@eng . "District Office in Levoča"@eng . "Okresný úrad v Levoči"@eng . "111 linear meters, paper documents."@eng . . "District Office in Levoča"@eng . . . . . "The fonds of the District Office in Levoča is one of the best preserved fonds of its kind in Slovakia. The District Office in Levočas was the state administration body at the regional level. Its fonds contains the documents concerning political, economic, cultural and social situation in this district during the period 1923 – 1945. As such it contains many documents pertaining to the persecution of Jews living in this district in 1938-1945. Fonds contains documents concerning the expulsion of Jews from the district of Levoča during the deportation of Jews from the territory of autonomous Slovakia in November 1938. Besides that there are many documents pertaining the persecution of Jews after the creation of Slovak state in March 1939. Among others there are documents concerning the legal definition of the term\"Je\" in 1939, various anti-Jewish measures taken in district in 1939. These include the dismissal of Jews from public service (at various levels) and dismissal of Jewish doctors from the service. Fonds also also contains many documents pertaining to the confiscation of property of Jews and the so called Aryanisation of their property at the territory of the District Levoča. Fonds contains the list of cancelled licences and their former owners, lists of cars confiscated by the Hlinka Guard at the territory of district and many similar documents.\r\nBesides that there are also documents pertaining to organizing of the forced labor of Jews at the territory of district. Many documents also pertain to individual cases of persecution. Several files pertain to the applicantions for the so called presidential exemption from 1942 and 1943. Fonds also contains the Jewish Census from 1942 (Súpis Židov) and several files concerning the deportation of Jews in 1942.\r\nFonds contains various lists of Jews living at the territory of the district in 1944. \r\nBesides above-mentioned documents there are also monthly situation reports of the District Chief which cover anti-Jewish measures taken by the state administration at the territory of the district."@eng .