"PCM - Military Cabinet. "@eng . "PCM - Military Cabinet. "@eng . . " Maps of administrative division of Bessarabia. General directives for Bessarabia and Bukovina. Reports on the situation and the life of the population. Underground activity of the Adventist and Baptist sects. Reports of fugitives from the NKVD. Maps and administrative organization of Transnistria. Abusive handling by the Office of Romanization of real estate left by the Jews and by people deported by the Soviets. The situation in Odessa. Information on Transnistria by the Gendarmerie Inspectorate General. Report on a new network of Hungarian spies in Romania. Information received from agents related to matters of international politics, inclusive the Soviets. Organization of the espionage and counter-espionage services. Information on the fighting capacity of the Romanian, Hungarian and Bulgarian air force. \r\n\r\n"@eng . . . . "662 A4 sheets"@eng . . .