. "Enkele organisatieschema's van de afdeling Onderwijs van de Joodsche Raad, resp. enkele rapporten daarover, inleidende opmerkingen bij het schema Comp..."@nld . "Some organisation charts of the department for education of the Jewish Council, a couple of reports, introductory comments with the chart Compatibility and an overview of this subdivision respectively; furthermore, two reports on the classification of the archive and on the bureaus of the department for education after the large raids in May/June 1943 respectively, december 1941 - september 1943"@eng . . . "Some organisation charts of the department for education of the Jewish Council, a couple of reports, introductory comments with the chart Compatibility and an overview of this subdivision respectively; furthermore, two reports on the classification of the archive and on the bureaus of the department for education after the large raids in May/June 1943 respectively, december 1941 - september 1943"@eng . "Enkele organisatieschema's van de afdeling Onderwijs van de Joodsche Raad, resp. enkele rapporten daarover, inleidende opmerkingen bij het schema Comp..."@nld . . . "Enkele organisatieschema's van de afdeling Onderwijs van de Joodsche Raad, resp. enkele rapporten daarover, inleidende opmerkingen bij het schema Comptabiliteit en een overzicht van de taken van deze onderafdeling; verder o.m. een tweetal rapportjes over resp. de inrichting van het archief en over de bureaus van de afdeling Onderwijs na de grote razzia's in mei/juni 1943, december 1941 - september 1943."@nld . "Some organisation charts of the department for education of the Jewish Council, a couple of reports, introductory comments with the chart Compatibility and an overview of this subdivision respectively; furthermore, two reports on the classification of the archive and on the bureaus of the department for education after the large raids in May/June 1943 respectively, december 1941 - september 1943"@eng .