"The report of the Commission of engineers and architects of the Ministry of Public Works on the destruction caused to Chisinau in connection with the offensive of the German troops"@rus . "The report of the Commission of engineers and architects of the Ministry of Public Works on the destruction caused to Chisinau in connection with the offensive of the German troops"@eng . "Тематический принцип систематизации документов"@rus . "Reports of the Commission of architects and engineers on the demolishing projects and\r\nplans for the reconstruction of the city of Chisinau"@eng . . "Отчет комисии инженеров и архитекторов министерства общественных работ о разрушениях причиненных гор. Кишинёва в связи с наступлением немецких войск"@eng . "Отчет комисии инженеров и архитекторов министерства общественных работ о разрушениях причиненных гор. Кишинёва в связи с наступлением немецких войск"@eng . "Отчет комисии инженеров и архитекторов министерства общественных работ о разрушениях причиненных гор. Кишинёв в связи с наступлением немецких войск"@rus . . . "Документальные материалы Кабинета по администрации Бессарабии, Буковины и\"Транснистри\" "@rus . "Otchet komisii inzhenerov i arkhitektorov ministerstva obshchestvennykh rabot o razrusheniyakh prichinennykh gorodu Kishinov v svyazi s nastupleniyem nemetskikh voysk"@rus . "Rapoartele Comisiei de arhitecți și ingineri cu privire la proiectele demolării și planuri de reconstrucție a orașului Chișinău"@rus . "Rapoartele Comisiei de arhitecți și ingineri cu privire la proiectele demolării și planuri de reconstrucție a orașului Chișinău"@eng . . "Rapoartele Comisiei de arhitecți și ingineri cu privire la proiectele demolării și planuri de reconstrucție a orașului Chișinău"@rus . "Rapoartele Comisiei de arhitecți și ingineri cu privire la proiectele demolării și planuri de reconstrucție a orașului Chișinău"@eng . . "Otchet komisii inzhenerov i arkhitektorov ministerstva obshchestvennykh rabot o razrusheniyakh prichinennykh gorodu Kishinov v svyazi s nastupleniyem nemetskikh voysk"@rus . . "Отчет комисии инженеров и архитекторов министерства общественных работ о разрушениях причиненных гор. Кишинёв в связи с наступлением немецких войск"@rus . "The report of the Commission of engineers and architects of the Ministry of Public Works on the destruction caused to Chisinau in connection with the offensive of the German troops"@rus . "The report of the Commission of engineers and architects of the Ministry of Public Works on the destruction caused to Chisinau in connection with the offensive of the German troops"@eng .