"Documents regarding inspections performed in Bessarabia and Bucovina"@eng . . . "Documents regarding inspections performed in Bessarabia and Bucovina"@eng . . "Documente privind inspecțiile efectuate în Basarabia și Bucovina"@eng . . "Documents regarding inspections performed in Bessarabia and Bucovina. Memorandum and documents related to the request of Traian Popovici, mayor of Cernăuți for an audience with Antonescu. Criminal acts and capacity of the military toward the Jews. Additional political report on Bucovina and Bessarabia. The attitude of the Ukrainian population who request Bucovina to remain attached to Ukraine"@eng . "Документы об инспекциях и проверках, проведенных в Бессарабии и Буковине"@eng . "Документы об инспекциях и проверках, проведенных в Бессарабии и Буковине"@eng . "Documente privind inspecțiile efectuate în Basarabia și Bucovina"@eng . . "215 pages"@eng .