. "Информационное донесение румынской разведки о морально-политическом состоянии жителей Бессарабии, Буковины и\"Транснистри\""@eng . "Information reports on the situation in the province between July and December 1942. Materials on surveillance of the local population; Political activities of Cuzists and regionalists groups in Bessarabia. Ukrainian problem. Correspondence re: baptism of Jews, Catholic Church and the position of the Romanian Government"@eng . "Raport de informare al serviciilor de informații române privind statutul moral și politic al locuitorilor Basarabiei, Bucovinei și Transnistriei"@eng . "Информационное донесение румынской разведки о морально-политическом состоянии жителей Бессарабии, Буковины и\"Транснистри\""@eng . . "Raport de informare al serviciilor de informații române privind statutul moral și politic al locuitorilor Basarabiei, Bucovinei și Transnistriei"@eng . "Information report of the Romanian intelligence on the moral and political mood of the inhabitants of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transnistria"@eng . . . "Information report of the Romanian intelligence on the moral and political mood of the inhabitants of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transnistria"@eng . .