"Переписка руководства губернаторства\"Транснистри\" с генеральным штабом румынской армии о предоставлении отсрочек от мобилизации служащим учреждений и предприятий "@eng . "Correspondence of the leadership of the Transnistria governorship with the general headquarters of the Romanian army on granting deferments from the mobilization of employees of institutions and enterprises"@eng . "Corespondenţa conducerii guvernării transnistrene cu sediul general al armatei române privind acordarea amânărilor din mobilizarea angajaţilor către instituţii şi companii"@eng . . . "Correspondence of the leadership of the Transnistria governorship with the general headquarters of the Romanian army on granting deferments from the mobilization of employees of institutions and enterprises"@eng . . "Correspondence of the leadership of the Transnistria governorship with the general headquarters of the Romanian army on granting deferments from the mobilization of employees of institutions and enterprises; table of Jewish doctors who were sent to Transnistria"@eng . . . "Переписка руководства губернаторства\"Транснистри\" с генеральным штабом румынской армии о предоставлении отсрочек от мобилизации служащим учреждений и предприятий "@eng . "Corespondenţa conducerii guvernării transnistrene cu sediul general al armatei române privind acordarea amânărilor din mobilizarea angajaţilor către instituţii şi companii"@eng .