"Планы и отчеты о дятельности полиций городов Бессарабии за 1944 г. Список евреев"@eng . "Планы и отчеты о дятельности полиций городов Бессарабии за 1944 г. Список евреев"@eng . . "Plans and reports on the activities of the police in various cities of Bessarabia in 1944. List of Jews"@eng . "Plany i otchety o dyatel’nosti politsij gorodov Bessarabii za 1944 g. Spisok evreev"@eng . "Plans and reports on the activities of the police in various cities of Bessarabia in 1944. List of Jews"@eng . . "Police activity plans and reports in the cities of the province of Bessarabia. Information on Jews who have returned from Transnistria to the city of Bolgrad"@eng . "Plans and reports on the activities of the police of the city of Bessarabia for 1944. List of Jews"@eng . "Plany i otchety o dyatel’nosti politsij gorodov Bessarabii za 1944 g. Spisok evreev"@eng . . "Plans and reports on the activities of the police of the city of Bessarabia for 1944. List of Jews"@eng . . .