"Центральная комиссия по проверке служащих, оставшихся в Бессарабии в 1940-1941 гг."@rus . . . "По алфавиту"@rus . . . . "Центральная комиссия по проверке служащих, оставшихся в Бессарабии в 1940-1941 гг."@eng . "Центральная комиссия по проверке служащих, оставшихся в Бессарабии в 1940-1941 гг."@rus . . "54 единицs хранения"@rus . "Central Commission for checking the files of public sector employees who remained on the territory of Bessarabia in 1940-1941"@eng . "Central Commission for checking the files of public sector employees who remained on the territory of Bessarabia in 1940-1941"@rus . . "Comisia centrală pentru verificarea dosarelor funcţionarilor rămasi pe teritoriul Basarabiei ȋn 1940-1941"@rus . "Comisia centrală pentru verificarea dosarelor funcţionarilor rămasi pe teritoriul Basarabiei ȋn 1940-1941"@eng . "54 items"@eng . . . "Personal files of employees who remained in the territory of Bessarabia in 1940-1941"@eng . "Личные дела служащих, оставшихся на территории Бессарабии в 1940-1941 гг. "@rus . "Tsentral'naya komissiya po proverke sluzhashchikh, ostavshikhsya v Bessarabii v 1940-1941 gg."@rus . "Tsentral'naya komissiya po proverke sluzhashchikh, ostavshikhsya v Bessarabii v 1940-1941 gg."@eng . "Comisia centrală pentru verificarea dosarelor funcţionarilor rămasi pe teritoriul Basarabiei ȋn 1940-1941"@rus . "Comisia centrală pentru verificarea dosarelor funcţionarilor rămasi pe teritoriul Basarabiei ȋn 1940-1941"@eng . "Tsentral'naya komissiya po proverke sluzhashchikh, ostavshikhsya v Bessarabii v 1940-1941 gg."@eng . "Tsentral'naya komissiya po proverke sluzhashchikh, ostavshikhsya v Bessarabii v 1940-1941 gg."@rus . . "Центральная комиссия по проверке служащих, оставшихся в Бессарабии в 1940-1941 гг."@eng . "Central Commission for checking the files of public sector employees who remained on the territory of Bessarabia in 1940-1941"@eng . "Central Commission for checking the files of public sector employees who remained on the territory of Bessarabia in 1940-1941"@rus .