. . . . . "not given in the finding aid"@eng . "War criminals"@eng . . "Criminels de guerre"@eng . "CdG"@eng . . . . "The fonds War criminals (Criminels de guerre) is divided into different subfonds. These are: \r\n\r\n- German Civil Administration (Administration civile allemande) \r\n\r\n- Commissions - Court for war crimes (Cour des crimes de guerre) \r\n\r\n- Deportation of Jews (Déportation des juifs) \r\n\r\n- Various \r\n\r\n- Extraditions \r\n\r\n- Trial of war criminals (Jugement des criminels de guerre) \r\n\r\n- German court (Justice allemande) \r\n\r\n- Offensive «von Rundstedt» \r\n\r\n- National Office for Research of War Crimes (Office national pour la Recherche des crimes de guerre) \r\n\r\n- German police (Police allemande) \r\n\r\n- trial (Procès) \r\n\r\n- Military war court (Tribunal de guerre militaire) \r\n\r\n- International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg (Tribunal militaire international de Nuremberg) \r\n\r\n- accused (Inculpés). \r\n\r\nThe most holocaust relevant court files are the files: \r\n\r\nCdH-012 against Hans Balzer, \r\n\r\nCdG-014 against Franz Bernard, \r\n\r\nCdG-019 against Johann Bünder, \r\n\r\nCdG-020 against René Conter in the subfonds\"Accuse\" (Inculpés) witch all in the \r\ncontext of Aryanisation of Jewish property. \r\n\r\nA strong Holocaust connection has the trail CdG-0143 agaist Joseph Ackermann, Wilhelm Brauckmann and Ernst Neugebauer with the testimony of Dr. Robert Serebrenik, chief Rabbi of Luxembourg."@eng . . "CdG"@eng . "War criminals"@eng . "Criminels de guerre"@eng . .