. "Lietuvos TSR vidaus reikalų ministerijos fondas. Įskaitos (tremties) bylos"@eng . . "3 subfonds and 60260 files."@eng . . "Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic Ministry of Internal Affairs. Files of Exile "@eng . . "The fond consists of 3 subfonds:\r\n\r\n1. Files for persons who were deported to Siberia from Lithuania in 1939-1941: personal information, lists of the members of the family, indictment, place of exile; applications of relatives to get permissions for the members of the family to return home (1945-1946); permissions; declined applications; documents of rehabilitation (from 1989). \r\n\r\n2. Alphabetical card-index for the exiled persons (there are 2613 names of Jews).\r\n\r\n3. The register of the files of the deportation from 1953 to 1959 (34 units).\r\n\r\nDeportations to Siberia were organized by the NKVD represive organs. \r\n"@eng . . . "Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic Ministry of Internal Affairs. Files of Exile "@eng . "Lietuvos TSR vidaus reikalų ministerijos fondas. Įskaitos (tremties) bylos"@eng . .