. . . "Chief of Lazdijai District"@eng . . "The fonds consist of documents of local collaborator' institutions and Nazi authorities, including: various kind of reports, orders, circulars, correspondence, register books of residents, lists of arrested people, lists of Soviet war prisoners, and lists of confiscated Jewish property (with names of owners). There are also documents concerning establishment of the ghetto in Lazdijai and about anti-Jewish moods amongst local residents."@eng . "2 subfonds and 154 files. Some documents are handwritten."@eng . . "Der Kreis-chef des Kreises Lasdien"@eng . "Lazdijų apskrities viršininkas"@eng . . . "Der Kreis-chef des Kreises Lasdien"@eng . . . . . . . "Chief of Lazdijai District"@eng . . . "Lazdijų apskrities viršininkas"@eng . . . .