"Ukmergės apskrities policijos Želvos punktas"@eng . . . . . "Documentation concerning events in the district, correspondence between the chief of the district and the chief of police of the district, information about suspected and arrested persons, information regarding communists and suspected communists and Soviet activists,as well as Jews, criminals, and persons accused of being disloyal to the Nazis; documention concerning confiscation of Jewish property, rules for how to handle Jewish property, lists of residents, lists of Jewsarrested and transported to the district prisons."@eng . . . . . . . "Ukmergės apskrities policijos Želvos punktas"@eng . "Želva Police Precinct of Ukmergė District"@eng . "Želva Police Precinct of Ukmergė District"@eng . "One subfonds and 7 files. Documents are partially handwritten."@eng . . . .