. . "Vilnius Jewish Religious Community"@eng . "Vilniaus žydų tikybinė bendruomenė"@eng . "Various documents concerning activities of the community; documentation of the Board of the community, including correspondence, meeting protocols, and related documents; lists of community members; certificates of birth, marriage, and death; certificates of war refugees; permissions issued by the community to bury in the Jewish cemetery; financial documents, etc. "@eng . "One subfonds and 38 files. Some documents are handwritten."@eng . . "Gmina Wyznaniowa Żydowska w Wilnie"@eng . "Vilnius Jewish Religious Community"@eng . "Gmina Wyznaniowa Żydowska w Wilnie"@eng . . . . . . . "Vilniaus žydų tikybinė bendruomenė"@eng . . .