. "As this folders contains the names of the people detained in this prison, it can provide a better understanding of the dynamics of the deportation of the Jews from Mantua. It is a preprint register, filled in by hand by ufficial authorities, indicating for each person: first name and family name, registration number, date of imprisonment, date of release, reason of release. Just to make an example, Samuele Enea Levi, son of Felice Levi, remained in this jail for a week, from 5th to 12th May, 1944, before being “released”. If we confront the list of Jewish people deported from Mantua to the Nazi concentration camps, we find his name among the people killed in Auschwitz after being deported from Fossoli on May, 16th 1944."@eng . . . "Alphabetical list of the detainees, n° 40"@eng . . . . . "Alphabetical list of the detainees, n° 40"@eng . "Rubrica alfabetica dei detenuti, n° 40"@eng . "Rubrica alfabetica dei detenuti, n° 40"@eng . . .