"The file contains ten circulars (“Rundschreiben”) by the United Restitution Organization (Frankfurt) ranging between July and October 1964. The circulars include the following issues: no. 1279, no. 1270, no. 1268, no. 1267, no. 1266, no. 1265, no. 1264, no. 1263, no. 1261, and no. 1255. They mainly deal with recent court judgements on questions of restitution, especially regarding juridical regulations and procedures, damages to life, the definition of the term “Flüchtling” (refugee), health damages following Nazi persecution, widow’s pension, damages to the property, and the conditions of underground life under Nazi persecution. The topics include: „Entwurf einer fünften Verordnung zur Änderung der drei DVen zum BEG“, „Schaden an Leben“, „Begrenzte Berücksichtigung der BEG-Novelle“, „Begriff des Flüchtlings“, „Beschwer – Gesundheitsschaden“, „Witwenrente“, „Schaden an Eigentum“, „Illegalität unter menschenunwürdigen Bedingungen“."@eng . "1 electronic resource (61 pages)"@eng . . "United Restitution Organization (URO)"@eng . . . . "United Restitution Organization (URO)"@eng . .