"The file contains 20 circulars (“Rundschreiben”) by the United Restitution Organization (Frankfurt) from September/October 1961 and April/May 1962. The circulars include the following issues: no. 945, no. 944, no. 943, no. 942, no. 941, no. 938, no. 935, no. 934, no. 933, no. 932, no. 931, no. 836, no. 835, no. 833, no. 832, no. 831, no. 828, no. 825, no. 826, and no. 824. They mainly deal with recent court judgements on questions of restitution, especially regarding cases of professional disadvantages following the Nazi persecution (“Berufsschaden”), juridical definitions of terms like “Flüchtling” and “Vertriebener”, and claims for restitution for persecution suffered in Greece, Yugoslavia, and Hungary. Further topics are:\"Freiheitsentziehung in Italien, KZ-Haft in Ferramont\",\"Eherecht in Ungar\",\"Schaden an Lebe\",\"Sonderregelung für schweizerische Rückwandere\",\"Auswanderung vor Schulpflich\",\"Abkommen zwischen Frankreich und Deutschlan\",\"Ungarischer jüdischer Arbeitsdiens\"."@eng . "1 electronic resource (174 pages)"@eng . . "United Restitution Organization (URO)"@eng . . . . "United Restitution Organization (URO)"@eng . .