"The file contains the verdict by the District court Zurich of the trial H.L. Servettaz vs. Willy Haymann from March 16th, 1939. H.L. Servettaz, editor of an Anti-Semitic periodical “L’homme de droit”, sued against a decision of the Zurich District Court dismissing his suit for libel against a contributor to the Israelitisches Wochenblatt. Not only did the court throw out this appeal, but it also ordered the appellant to pay the trial costs and indemnity to the defendant. The Protocols of Zion are mentioned in the Bern Trial and in this trial, and are dismissed as false and vile."@eng . "1 electronic resource (19 pages)"@eng . . "Abschrift Proz. No. 717-1937"@eng . . . . "Abschrift Proz. No. 717-1937"@eng . .