Untersuchung Clé du Mystère VII

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Untersuchung Clé du Mystère VII 
Untersuchung Clé du Mystère VII 
1 electronic resource (40 pages) 
The file is part of a collection of dossiers created for each article mentioned in the French edition of The Key to the Mystery. Each file has a headline stating"Examination of the Clé du Mystèr", number of article and short headline. It includes a cover page, a title, short headline, refutation, materials used (acquisition of books, etc.) and correspondence. A summary about the level of accuracy of the claim/quote is also included. (true, but out of context, misquoted, false or not possible to verify). Among the topics in the folder is the British Israel World Federation, which believed that the English and Irish peoples descended from the 10 lost tribes. It is claimed that the final ascent of the Jews will happen after the defeat of"Go" (Russia). Further more, Benjamin Disraeli's book Coningsby (1884) is used to refer to Jewish involvement in the revolution of 1848. Poems by Louis Levy are cited as well as a wrong quote by Walther Rathenau in"Zur Kritik der Zei". Finally, a satirical essay by Marcus Eli Ravage in Century Magazine is taken at face value. 

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