Untersuchung Clé du Mystère I

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9933338648204146-9933338946304146 an entity of type: Record

Untersuchung Clé du Mystère I 
Untersuchung Clé du Mystère I 
1 electronic resource (56 pages) 
The file is part of a collection of dossiers created for each article mentioned in the French edition of The Key to the Mystery. Each file has a headline stating"Examination of the Clé du Mystèr", number of article and short headline. It includes a cover page with title, short headline, refutation, materials used (acquisition of books, etc.) and correspondence. A summary about the level of accuracy of the claim/quote is also included. (true, but out of context, misquoted, false or not possible to verify). This folder includes topics on ritual slaughter accusation mentioning Grand Rabbi Neofit, Cecil Roth; Communism (Grigory Zinoviev is mentioned); Jewish World dominance reffering to Samuel Roth. It also includes a copy of"Völkischer Beobachte" from September 9th, 1937 and"Der Angrif" from July 1, 1939, in which Dr. Georg Leibbrandt refers to Samuel Roth's book"Now and Foreve". 

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