Helmut Schranz

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Helmut Schranz 
Helmut Schranz 
[2] pages Envelope 21/8 ; microfilm reel 098 ; Frames 80-82 
Helmuth Schranz was a German Politician. Since 1925 he was a member of the NSDAP, and from 1934 to 1945 he was mayor and NSDAP district leader of Offenbach. Schranz belonged to the German Bundestag from 1953 to 1961. From 1957 to November 9, 1960, he was deputy Chairman of the Bundestag Committee on Municipal Policy and Public Welfare. Originally elected for the German party , he became a member of the new GDP on 3 May 1961. In 1957, together with his party chairman Heinz Matthes , Richard Jaeger , Hans Schuberth , Richard Stücklen (all CSU) and other Bundestag deputies from CSU and DP, he introduced a bill to repeal Article 102 of the Basic Law with the aim of reintroducing the death penalty. This, however, had no success. -- Wikipedia (viewed 6.2.2017) Newspaper clipping and Bibiliographical references 

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