"Erich Daluege was Kurt Daluege's brother. In 1934 he was appointed as Landart of Goldberg (Regierungsbezirk Liegniz) and later transferred to Meseritz (Posen) in the same position. He was cought by the Czechs in 1945, put in prison and sentenced for 15 years. -- dossier\n\nKurt Daluege was a German Nazi SS-Oberstgruppenführer, Generaloberst der Polizei (chief of the Ordnungspolizei, the uniformed police) and ruled the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia as deputy Protector after Reinhard Heydrich's assassination. He was hanged at Pankrác prison in Prague on October 24, 1946 after having been found guilty by a Czech court of war crimes committed in the territory of occupied Czechoslovakia. -- Wikipedia\n\n5 newspaper clippings, 1 p. of article from\"Das Reic\", 2 p. from\"Nationalsozialistischer Kampf gegen das Verbrechertu\", 2 p. from\"Stuttgarter NS-Kurie\", 5 p. from\"Das Archi\", 1 p. from\"Westfälische Landeszeitun\", 2 p. from\"Die Neue Weltbühn\" and 3 p. from a researcher's estate."@eng . "[21] p.\n\nEnvelope 4/156 ; microfilm reel 056 ; Frames 1576 - 1597"@eng . . "Daluege, Erich"@eng . . . . "Daluege, Erich"@eng . .