"Julius Curtius was Germany's Secretary of Commerce (Reichsinnenminister) between 1926 and 1929. From October, 1929 to October 1931 he was Foreign Minister of Germany. His notable achievement as Foreign Minister was in negotiating a customs union with Austria in March 1931, but opposition from France scuttled the proposed union. To halt the union, the French withdrew a number of short loans they had made to Austria. This caused the collapse of Austria's largest bank in May, 1931, which in its turn set a series of banking collapses all over Central Europe in the summer of 1931. Curtius was intimately involved in the negotiations that led to the issuing of the Hoover Moratorium by U.S President Herbert Hoover that halted war reparations payments by Germany in June 1931 as part of the effort to limit the financial fall-out of the banking collapse. -- Wikipedia\n\nLudwig Curtius was a German archaeologist and art historian. Adolf Furtwängler was his teacher. Ludwig Curtius is remembered for his investigations involving the development of ancient Greek and Roman art. He was the author of a number of influential works on classical archaeology; his best known publications being: Antike Kunst (Ancient Art), Das antike Rom (Ancient Rome) and Die Wandmalerei Pompejis (The Wall Paintings of Pompeii). -- Wikipedia and Dossier\n\n2 newspaper clippings"@eng . "[2] p.\n\nEnvelope 4/154 ; microfilm reel 056 ; Frames 1569 - 1571"@eng . . "Curtius, Julius, 1877-1948"@eng . . . . "Curtius, Julius, 1877-1948"@eng . .