Buber, Martin, 1878-1965

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Buber, Martin, 1878-1965 
Buber, Martin, 1878-1965 
1 online recourse (1,110 pages). 
Martin Buber was an Austrian-born Jewish philosopher best known for his philosophy of dialogue and interpreter and translator of Hasidic lore.in 1938 he left Germany and settled in Jerusalem receiving a professorship at Hebrew University and lecturing in anthropology and introductory sociology.The major themes in his work: the retelling of Hasidic tales, Biblical commentary, and metaphysical dialogue. A cultural Zionist, Buber was active in the Jewish and educational communities of Germany and Israel. He was also a staunch supporter of a binational solution in Palestine, and after the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel, of a regional federation of Israel and Arab states. His influence extends across the humanities, particularly in the fields of social psychology, social philosophy, philosophical anarchism, and religious existentialism -- (Wikipedia) 

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