"Sterilization in Germany"@eng . . . . . . "The file contains excerpts of articles, lectures, speeches, and reports on the practice of Sterilization in Nazi Germany following the “Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring” (“Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuches”) enacted in 1934. The various documents had been divided into sections: from a typewritten reproduction of the actual “Text of the Law” (I) and its various modifications to “Important Court Decisions” (XI). The second section deals with “Statements of Nazi Leaders and the Nazi Press” (II) on the alleged necessity of the Law for their political project. Parts three and four focus on excerpts documenting the Church’s opposition against Sterilization practice (III) as well as the Nazi’s efforts of refutation (IV). “Medical objections” (V) were expressed by medical experts in Switzerland, and Great-Britain. The assessment on the total “Sterilization Figures” (VI) and “Castration Figures” (VII) come from both Nazi and Anti-Nazi sources, among them Magnus Hirschfeld. Parts VIII and IX of the documents deal with the dangers and the “Dubious results of the Operation” generally justified by German sources. Finally, part X (“The Alleged Voluntary System”) and part XI deal with both the juridical enforcement and the role of public health services by providing excerpts of court decisions and expert reports."@eng . . "2 electronic resources (182, 3 pages)"@eng . "Sterilization in Germany"@eng .