Catalogue of Nazi Crime an entity of type: Record

Catalogue of Nazi Crime 
Catalogue of Nazi Crime 
2 electronic resources (19, 1 pages) 
The file contains two typewritten documents: a “Catalogue of Nazi Crimes” of 12 pages and a list of 5 pages documenting “Nazi Aggression and Nazi War”. The undated lists established by an unknown author were marked as “Rough Draft”. The first document on “Nazi Crimes” enumerates cases of “Murder”, of “Cruelty” in Concentration Camps, of “Injustice” regarding the establishment of new laws, “Mass deportations” of Jews and other minorities, “Corruption”, and “Nazi immorality”. Furthermore, it lists crimes following the categories: “Nazis and Women”, “Nazis and Workers Rights”, the “Loss of personal freedom”, and “Kidnapping” as well as the persecution of Scientists and the Churches. More categories include cases of “Nazi poisoning of the juvenile mind”, “Nazi Racial policy”, “Broken Promises”, and “Nazi Lies”. The last two pages present cases of “Nazi paganism”, and “Nazi propaganda in foreign countries”. The second catalogue on “Nazi aggression and Nazi War” enumerates the consequences of the Nazi invasion of Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Holland, and Belgium as well as “War crimes” such as the destruction of Guernica, cultural institutions and historical monuments. 

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