Nazi Anniversaries an entity of type: Record

Nazi Anniversaries 
Nazi Anniversaries 
2 electronic resources (6, 1 pages) 
The file contains two typewritten documents on “Nazi anniversaries”. The first document entitled “Nazi anniversaries” lists the anniversaries for the months of February, March, and April. They include personal birthdays of high rank Nazi officials (Julius Streicher), death anniversaries of Nazi politicians serving as martyr figures (Wilhelm Gustloff, Horst Wessel), and anniversaries of political events (like the so-called “Anschluss”, the German annexation of Austria in 1938). The second document lists the Nazi Anniversaries between the 13th of November 1939 and the 31st of January 1940. Although the list includes Christian public holidays and the Nordic “Julfest”, it mainly focuses on the personal birthdays of public figures and anniversaries of events related to the Nazi regime (“Erster Parteitag in München, 1923”). 

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