"The file is a paper by Prof. Max Apt, a lawyer who was the emissary of the Jewish community of Berlin at the Evian conference. He tries to find an answer to the question\"Is there a Jewish problem\". He starts out with an historical overview of the Jews in the Diaspora beginning with the Babylonian captivity. He extensively quotes various historians on the impact Judaism had on Western civilization (e.g. Kardinal Faulhaber, Theodor Mommsen). After covering the diaspora in antiquity he continues with Karl the Great and the diaspora in Europe, discussing the crusades and their negative impact on Jewish life (Progroms, expulsions). He mentions the great influence Jews had on ruling houses due to money lending and resulting reprisals (e.g. Philipp II)."@eng . "1 electronic resource (62 pages)"@eng . . "Gibt es ein jüdisches Problem?"@eng . . . . "Gibt es ein jüdisches Problem?"@eng . .