"This file contains the typewritten memoir of Kurt Sabatzky, a German jurist and syndic of the “Centralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens” (Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish Faith). It gives a detailed description of the author`s live between 1918 and 1939, when he escaped to England with his family after being detained in Buchenwald for a while. In the text Sabatzky recalls how Nazi-ideology and Antisemitism steadily became more prevalent in Germany and how he himself experienced it and actively helped the Jewish community through these changes in East-Prussia and Saxony. He also provides an insight into the plurality of parties in the Weimar Republic and the restrictive Anti-Jewish legislation that were passed with the Nazi Party`s seizure of power. Some of the pages are in a bad condition and might therefore be hard to read."@eng . "1 electronic resource (64 pages)"@eng . . "Meine Erinnerungen an den Nationalsozialismus-von Kurt Sabatzky"@eng . . . . "Meine Erinnerungen an den Nationalsozialismus-von Kurt Sabatzky"@eng . .