"Account of a 16-year-old boy who flees from his home in occupied Poland to the Russian part of Poland in the early days of WW2 to be reunited with his stern grandfather. Nevertheless, he is immediately arrested as a German spy and endures years of solitary confinement, stays in numerous other prisons and Siberia, until his release, after the invasion of Russia by German troops. He is offered to join either the Russians or the Polish army in exile. He chooses the Polish despite their unrepentant antisemitism even when they are faced with a common enemy. His army tour leads him to a Polish Recruiting Center in abysmal conditions during a typhus epidemic, travels through the Middle East (Persia, Iraq, Egypt Syria) and finally to Palestine, where he meets the author in Kibbutz Kiryat Anavim to share his tale. Given the opportunity to desert and stay in the kibbutz to settle down he decides to move on, a lost soul."@eng . "1 electronic resource (52 pages)"@eng . . "Mit dem Strom"@eng . . . . "Mit dem Strom"@eng . .