"The file contains seven circulars (“Rundschreiben”) by the United Restitution Organization (Frankfurt) ranging between September and November 1968. The circulars include the following issues: no. 1585, no. 1583, no. 1582, no. 1579, no. 1577a, no. 1577, and no. 1578. They mainly deal with recent court judgements made by the German Federal Court (Bundesgerichtshof) on questions of restitution after Nazi persecution, especially regarding juridical regulations and proceedings for claims within the Federal law for restitution („Bundesentschädigungsgesetz”), the status of being recognized as a refugee, and professional damages following Nazi persecution. The topics include: „Berufsschaden, hier: Anfechtung des Verzichts auf Rente“, „Flüchtlingseigenschaft nach der Genfer Konvention“, „Berufsschaden, hier: Vertreibung aus Polen“, „Paragraph 238 a ABs. 3 BEG-SchlussG“."@eng . "1 electronic resource (88 pages)"@eng . . "United Restitution Organization (URO)"@eng . . . . "United Restitution Organization (URO)"@eng . .