"This file is the third part of a collection of correspondence between the Gestapo Würzburg and various government bodies. Among them a letter from the Interior Ministry on the exclusion of monetary and other contributions by Jews to institutions. Correspondence on the curfew for Jews on the day of national solidarity among others by R. Heydrich. A letter by the mayor of Würzburg on the “aryanization” of Jewish businesses with a list of businesses and the names of interested applicants. The Reichsführer SS and Chief of German Police on the elimination of Jews from German business activity. It also includes a circular by Hermann Göring emphasizing that reprisals are only authorized by the state and individual actions are not desired. Further a letter by Wilhelm Frick reiterating displeasure by Hermann Göring about widespread denunciations of citizens .In addition, there is correspondence by the Gestapo Würzburg about authorization of religious services by the Jewish community of Gerolzhofen/Karbach/Bad Kissingen. Further topics are the confiscation of driver licenses of Jewish citizens and their reinstatement for emigrants, the shipment of goods abroad by Jewish business owners; information on the sale of the synagogue in Oberaltertheim to the local municipality and the synagogue of Unteralterthein to the local bank. The file also contains circulars by the Sicherheitspolizei München about the exemption from amnesty for civil population (Gnadenerlass) from 9.9.39 to Jews, the Reichssicherheitshauptamt on guidelines for treatment of mixed heritage conscripts in the Wehrmacht by Wilhelm Keitel and finally from the Bavarian Education and Cultural Ministry the permission for Jews to attend exams for medical doctor at the university of Würzburg if they will not practice the medical profession upon passing."@eng . "1 electronic resource (62 pages)"@eng . . "\"Judenangelegenheite\"- Bayern III]"@eng . . . . "\"Judenangelegenheite\"- Bayern III]"@eng . .