"The file is the fifth part of a series of files containing various documents issued mainly by the Gestapo Offices in Düsseldorf between 1939 and 1942. The documents include circulars and instructions regarding the deportation of Jewish people from the Lower Rhine Region in general, and specifically regarding the deportation of Jewish people from Goch to the concentration camp of Theresienstadt. The circulars provide information regarding the regulations and the procedures of the planned deportations as well as lists of property of the deportees. The file also contains a handwritten and anonymous letter sent to the police in the city of Goch and denouncing the Epstein couple from Goch of crossing the border with the Netherlands to support their son who had fled to the Netherlands before. Some documents are of poor quality."@eng . "1 electronic resource (65 pages)"@eng . . "[Gestapo Instructions Düsseldorf V]"@eng . . . . "[Gestapo Instructions Düsseldorf V]"@eng . .