"The file contains the eighth German speaking issue of the newspaper “Die Jüdische Informations-Zentrale” published by the Jewish Central Information Office in Amsterdam in April 1935 in order to inform on the situation of Jewish people in the world, and especially in Nazi Germany. This issue is a special edition of 16 pages dedicated to the role of the “Protocols of the Elders in Zion” in the global anti-Semitic propaganda. The issue focuses on the international distribution of the “Protocols” as well as on other social groups targeted by the anti-Semitic propaganda."@eng . "1 electronic resource (16 pages)"@eng . . "Die angeblichen\"Protokolle der Weisen von Zio\" als weltpolitisches Agitationsmittel"@eng . . . . "Die angeblichen\"Protokolle der Weisen von Zio\" als weltpolitisches Agitationsmittel"@eng . .