[American Unity - A Monthly Educational Guide]

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932929395104146-9933210173704146 an entity of type: Record

[American Unity - A Monthly Educational Guide] 
[American Unity - A Monthly Educational Guide] 
1 electronic resource (13 pages) 
The file contains the copy of the November 1943 issue of the journal “American Unity – A Monthly Educational Guide” published by the “Council against Intolerance in America”. The issue contains various articles on the situation of minorities in the United States as well as on its improvement through various educational activities. For instance, the issue includes contributions by Madeline R. Morgan on a school project on developing appreciation for the achievements of African Americans or by Quincy Guy Burris on an educational program for the Spanish speaking minority, but also practical “Recommendations to Relieve Racial Tensions” and book recommendations. Furthermore, the journal calls its readers to establish ties with people of various backgrounds, to analyze discriminating structures, and to participate in groups promoting social and racial equity in order to support the anti-racist politics of the “Council against Intolerance in America”. 

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