"The file contains the “Petition to the United Nations on behalf of 13 million oppressed Negro citizens of the United States of America” adopted by the Tenth Anniversary Convention of the National Negro Congress in 1946 and presented by its president, Max Yergan, to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations in order to claim democratic rights for the African American population. The petition against the political, economic and social discrimination of African American citizens is based on the Jurisdiction of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations as well as on facts regarding the social inequity of the African American population, mainly regarding family income, housing, health, education, and civil liberties. At the end, the brochure informs on how to support the petition and its purpose by various means."@eng . "1 electronic resource (9 pages)"@eng . . "[A Petition to the United Nations on behalf of 13 Million oppressed Negro Citizens of the United States of America]"@eng . . . . "[A Petition to the United Nations on behalf of 13 Million oppressed Negro Citizens of the United States of America]"@eng . .