. . "The assortment of files contains newsletters, newspapers, and leaflets published by various Anti-Nazi networks and political groups in Germany and Europe between 1933 and 1945, as well as two postwar publications. Four issues of the “IVKO-Nachrichten”, the newspaper of the “Internationale Vereinigung der Kommunistischen Opposition (IVKO)”, were published in 1934 and 1935 deal with the frictions among the international Communist groups and their effort to form a strong Anti-Nazi opposition. The 1937 edition of the newspaper “Die Schiffahrt” was published by the „Organ des Gesamtverbandes der Seeleute, Hafenarbeiter und Binnenschiffer Deutschlands“, a German organisation of sailors, dockers, and shippers associated with the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), informs on recent international events (Spanish Civil War, international strike movements) and calls for the necessity to form an international opposition against fascism. The file also contains one leaflet “News from Greece” published by the National Committee for the Restoration of Greece in 1943 and informing about the Greek resistance to Nazi occupation, as well as four typewritten leaflets/newsletters called “De nieuwsbode: orgaan van de vrije pers” published in the Netherlands and informing about the military situation between December 1944 and April 1945. Furthermore, the file contains the first issue of “Nazi Rule”, a newspaper founded in Great-Britain in 1933 by the “Nazi Rule Information Committee” in order to inform the public opinion by providing facts on Nazi persecution and politics in Germany. Finally, the file also contains an undated typewritten leaflet written by young Communist workers in Berlin and calling to oppose the war preparations of the Nazi regime. Besides the documents from the period between 1933 and 1945, the file also contains two postwar publications. First, the “PKZ Pressekorrespondenz” published in 1963 by the Austrian association of resistant fighters and victims of Fascism (“Bundesverband österreichischer Widerstandskämpfer und Opfer des Faschismus /KZ-Verband”), informs the members about the commemorative events on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the “Anschluss” in 1938. Second, one issue of the newspaper “PM’s Sunday Picture News” published in November 1947 and dealing with the report on the President’s Committee on Civil Rights."@eng . "[Anti-Nazi Publications V]"@eng . "[Anti-Nazi Publications V]"@eng . "1 electronic resource (145 pages)"@eng . . . . . .