"[Anti-Nazi Publications II]"@eng . . . . . "[Anti-Nazi Publications II]"@eng . . "The file contains three documents published by Anti-Nazi networks between 1934 and 1945. The first document is one issue of the journal “Defensa-Revista de Cultura militar” published in Mexico in 1943. It contains articles on questions of military history and strategy, among them one article by Karl Doberer, a German writer who opposed the Nazi Regime and went to exile in Great-Britain. The second document is a typewritten newsletter published by the German Anti-Nazi Delegation to the World Youth Council (“Deutsche Anti-Nazi Delegation zum Weltjugendrat”) in London in September 1945. The newsletter deals with the question of youth education after the end of the Nazi regime. On the document is also a handwritten note by the Delegation’s chairman and later politician in GDR, Horst Brasch. The third document is one issue of the newspaper “Fight War and Fascism” published by the British Anti-War Movement in 1934. The issue deals with the recent events of Civil War in Austria and opens with an article on the topic by Soviet writer Ilya Ehrenburg."@eng . . . "1 electronic resource (120 pages)"@eng .