"The file contains the verdicts of Beatrix Sláma (born on 18 February 1920 in Moladotitz) and Barbara Lang (born on 25 December 1912 in Kunowitz). In 1943 Wenzel Lang escaped Communist persecution by the Gestapo. Lang was given shelter by Beatrix Sláma's husband who was a friend of his. Beatrix Sláma disapproved of Lang's stay but did not report him to the police. Later Wenzel Lang took refuge in Barbara Lang's home who was his sister-in-law. She was aware of his political activities and let him stay in her home. The defendants Beatrix Sláma and Barbara Lang were found guilty of having supported an\"enemy of the empir\". Sláma was sentenced to five years of penitentiary. Lang was sentenced to death in 1944."@eng . "1 online resource (5 pages)"@eng . . "[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]"@eng . . . . "[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]"@eng . .