"The file contains the verdicts of Gustav Scholz (born on 14 March 1903 in Bullendorf) and his wife Anna Scholz (born on 11 November 1901 in Königshahn). The defendant Gustav Scholz was accused of having misappropriated various items owned by the NSV, the National Socialist People's Welfare. These items included mostly clothes and food meant for charitable purposes. The defendant Anna Scholz helped her husband in committing his crime. However, according to the verdict she was considered to have been manipulated by Gustav Scholz. Therefore, she was acquitted of the charge. Gustav Scholz was found guilty and sentenced to death in 1944."@eng . "1 online resource (10 pages)"@eng . . "[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]"@eng . . . . "[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]"@eng . .