"Oesterreichischer Hilfsfonds"@eng . . . . "The file contains a document of the Oesterreichischer Hilfsfonds zur Hilfeleistung an politisch Verfolgte, die ihren Wohnsitz und ständigen Aufenthalt im Ausland haben (Austrian Aid Fund to help politically persecuted people who are resident and permanently living abroad). The official publication (published in the Viennese newspaper June 10, 1956). With the federal law of January 18, 1956, funds were set up to provide assistance to political offenders. The detailed guidelines for the aid funds are explained and illustrated. Those who were persecuted between 5th of March 1933 and 8th of May 1945 are listed as politically persecuted. Furthermore, the applicants must have been Austrian citizens or had been resident in Austria for at least 10 years from May 13, 1938. The written applications are to be submitted by 1957."@eng . . "1 online resource (3 pages)"@eng . . . "Oesterreichischer Hilfsfonds"@eng .