"The file contains a secret document regarding the stoppage of work in Germany in 1937. The German Labor Front published this document, which was distributed under precise regulations. Forfeiture was absolutely forbidden and the transfer was to be carried out under the strictest safety precautions. The German Labur Front (Deutsche Arbeitsfront; DAF) was the National Socialist German Workers' Party labor organisation which replaced the various independent trade unions in Germany after Adolf Hitler's rise to power. The document explains in detail how the individual DAF departments have to behave. Complaints, work stoppages, incitements and leaflet propaganda must be forwarded directly to the Informations Amt (information office), where the information was evaluated by the Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS (Security Service of the Reichsführer-SS) and the Geheimen Staatspolizeiamt (Secret State Police). Marginal information could also be meaningful in relation to other complaints, as the document states. Further it is said, the last and most dangerous means of the opponent is the 'work stoppage', which must be prevented. A list of former 'Arbeitsniederlegungen' (work stoppage) is presented, included an explanation for the action itself. Work stoppages, for example, are crucial means of improving the work situation in liberalism and Marxism. Strike statistics and charts are also attached and cover the years 1924-1932. They show the reasons for strikes, their execution, lost working days and the absolute number of strikes."@eng . "2 online resources (52 pages)"@eng . . "[German labor front against strikes in Germany]"@eng . . . . "[German labor front against strikes in Germany]"@eng . .