"The file contains several protocols of meetings regarding the meeting on the 13th of May 1925 in the house of Max M. Warburg and Aby S. Warburg in Hamburg. Georg Gothein, a German politician who was elected Chairman of the Antisemitism Association in 1921, presented the event and the participants. At the beginning he tells about the history, the success and the goals of the association. He explains how important the fight against Antisemitism is and that it is unacceptable to present the Jewish religion as inferior. Dr. Leuckfeldt explains further the danger of Antisemitism for the economy. As he explains 'the economy needs all the powers that are able to create economically valuable things'. Max Mittelstein, who became President of the 5th Civil Senate and on October 1, 1921 was appointed President of the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court, also hold a little speech regarding Antisemitism and the importance to fight it. Also the Hauptpastor (main pastor) Dr. Heinz Beckmann was invited to the meaning to share his opinion, he refers to the Bible and states that arguments that Antisemitism uses can be disproved by it. Dr. Beckmann cannot determine in any way that Jews could harm the German people and makes it clear that the German Jews are part of the people and naturally participate in German life. Furthermore new members of the Antisemitism Association were presented and gave a little speech as well. Additional protocols of meetings discus the same topics which have been discussed on the 13th of May 1925, furthermore they refer to the meeting. Discussions about the establishment of an board against Antisemitism and its tasks were held. Also cultural collaboration with different communities were planed."@eng . "1 online resource (43 pages)"@eng . . "[Minutes of the meeting dated May 13, 1925]"@eng . . . . "[Minutes of the meeting dated May 13, 1925]"@eng . .