"The file contains a pamphlet entitled as 'Judenherrschaft' (Jewish domination) by DR. Johannes Stanjet. This document explains on eight pages how dangerous the Nationalisten and Deutschnationalen are. How they treat the 'Volksgemeinschaft' (national community), that they preach racial hatred and exclude people from the community due to religion or descent. Antisemitism is their slogan and must be fought. The lies and stereotypes with which these parties work must be countered. The German people, the national community, must be aware that Jews also belong to the community. At the end of the pamphlet it says that one should not give a vote to the Deutschvölkischen and Deutschnationalen, because these shed religious and racial hatred. Also newspaper clipping of the Verein zur Abwehr des Antisemitismus (Association for the Defense of Antisemitism) can be seen. The association was founded by liberal and humanistic-minded citizens in 1890 in the German Empire in order to counter growing Antisemitism. The association was dissolved in 1933. Correspondences between Aby S. Warburg and this association are attached. Letters inform about the meetings, with the chairman Dr. Gothein, and subjects to discuss about. Most subjects are regarding the antisemitic increase in Germany, politics, future election and the rise of nationalists parties all over Germany. Aby S. Warbung tried to organize meetings with different personalities to talk about the political situation in Germany. Letters from Julius Schlinck, Ida R. Dehmel and chairman from different organisations and institutions can be seen. Furthermore, Warburg has sent letters with information about the meetings to many people, who were unable to attend. He wanted to spread as much information as possible and fight against the increase of Antisemitism. Furthermore lists of census records of the Israelis living in Hamburg can be seen (Die Anzahl der Israeliten in Hamburg)."@eng . "3 online resources (123 pages)"@eng . . "[Correspondence against antisemitism with Aby S. Warburg]"@eng . . . . "[Correspondence against antisemitism with Aby S. Warburg]"@eng . .