. "The documents are correspondence regarding Princesse Catherine Radziwill. The correspondence shows the attempt to gather as much information about Princesse Catherine Radzwill who was a key witness in the Bern trial with a past of controversial statements. Some crucial documents with findings about Radziwill came from Pichel in New York and were forwarded by the Welt-Dienst to Freyenwald, who also investigated. The main issue about Princess Radzwill is an article from the Black Hebrew from 25.02.1921, which is an interview with Landmann. Radziwill claimed the protocols were written 1904 although there is evidence that they existed before. Among the documents is a transcription where Radziwill claims to have evidence that the protocols were composed at the end of the Japanese War. She claims to have the information from Golovinsky who was charged to compose the protocols at the order of Ratchkovsky. A translation of the transcript is also among the documents. The claim contradicts findings about the protocols. It is of special interest to the Welt-Dienst since it was the main proof for the accusation in the Bern trial that the protocols were forged by the secret military police of Russia. The investigations of the Welt-Dienst about Radziwill was about portraying her as untrustworthy. Some domuments in the file concern a forgery case in South Africa from 1917 that she was involved in, her past and her life in NY, among others a hotel scandal. A letter from Fleischhauer to the police in Bavaria asking to get court files from Cape Town about Radziwill to check if it is the same person. Among the documents a draft for a letter that should be sent to people in America to help with investigating about Radziwill. The typed letter that was sent is also in the file. The letter makes clear that the Welt-Dienst wants to have as much proof as possible that Radziwill made up the story about the origins of the protocols. The file contains a conversation in handwritten letters between Mueller from the Welt-Dienst and Glockemeier about Radzwill from July 1937 and several handwritten letters concerning Radziwill from 1936. A confidential letter from the Welt-Dienst address in Erfurt from 9.2.37 to Jonak von Freyenwald about the results of the search for the address of Radzwill. The letter says that her supposed address in NY was wrong but that there's a letter from her (to Pichel) in the possession of the Welt-Dienst that states the real address. The letter also allows to check through her signature if she's the Radziwill from a case in Capetown. Attached to the letter are excerpts of the NYT Index with translation that shed some light on her life in NY. A copy of the mentioned letter from Radziwill that reveals her address is among the documents in the file. Copy and translation of a note from the New York Times Index from 1917 that says that Princesse Catherine Radziwill comes to the US for a lecture following her release from a special inquiry about forgery. Transcript and translation of further note from the New York Times Index from different years about lectures. Excerpt of a New York times note about Radziwill from 1936 forwarded by Pichel to Fleischhauer on 4.7.37 about an arrest of Radziwill in 1921. Confidential report of Dr. Pichel from New York from 12.12.35 about Princesse Radziwill following a request. The report reveals details about Catherine Radziwill and scandals of her and a verdict from a South African court for forgery. Answer to the letter of Pichel from 25.2.36. The author is not mentioned but is obviously from the Welt-Dienst as he refers to their\"opponent\" at the Bern trial. The letter makes clear that they investigate to find evidence against her to discredit her and the article from the Black Hebrew about the protocols. A letter to Pichel in English and German from 2.3.36, sent from Erfurt. It discusses contradictions in the findings of Radziwill that she presented in her article. Draft for a letter to Pichel where the author tells Pichel that there was a delay in the answer because it took time to obtain books that Pichel recommended to read in regard to the forgery case of Radziwill. Letter in English to Pichel from 24.4. based on this draft, sent from the address of the Welt-Dienst. Letter from the same address and same date to Campbell with the request to hand over money to Pichel. Handwritten information about Radziwill. A letter of Dr. E. von Schroetter-Kristelli from Vienna in French from 30.7.37 to Princesse Catherine Radziwill about the Bern trial and the protocols and Antisemitism in Germany and asking her for permission to publish an article of her in a Viennese magazine in German. It is obviously part of a spin that Freyenwald is involved in. Handwritten draft of the letter in German. The draft was translated by Glockemeier few days before it was sent. Answer of Princesse Catherine Radziwill to Dr. E. von Schroetter-Kristelli from New York in French from 24.9.37. denying him permission. Letter of Glockemeier to Freyenwald discussing the letter of Radziwill few days later. Funeral notice for Dr. E. von Schroetter-Kristelli, who died on 12.5.39. Handwritten letter of Dr. E. von Schroetter-Kristelli to Freyenwald from 10.11.1937. Letter of Dr. E. von Schroetter-Kristelli from Vienna in French from 29.11.37 to Princesse Catherine Radziwill asking a questions about the articles about the protocols from 1921. A handwritten letter of Freyenwald to Dr. E. von Schroetter-Kristelli from 12.10.37. Handwritten letter of Dr. E. von Schroetter-Kristelli to Freyenwald from 2.5.1938. It is about Princesse Catherine Radzwill. Letters of Glockemeier to Freyenwald from 5.10.37 and 11.10.37.Copy of the\"editor present\" section entry from the magazine Eve from 1936 about Radziwill. This led to the investigation since it gave the Welt-Dienst a hint where she can be found. Conversation between the Welt-Dienst, notably Fleischhauer and an organization of the German nobility about findings about the past of Radziwill. A letter from Freyenwald to Ruef about court files of Radziwill for the Bern trial. It gets clear from the letter that the Welt-Dienst is sure the court wanted to suppress material that would reveal the trustworthiness of Radziwill. Answer of Ruef from 27.8.35. Conversation between Jonak von Freyenwald and a Polish institution about Radziwill from 1935. Letter of the Welt-Dienst to Elena von Feld from October 1936 asking for cooperation in finding out the address of Radziwill. Transcript of an article in French of Radziwill in the magazine\"La Revue Mondial\" in French from March 1921 where she made the same claims about the origins of the protocols. Excerpt of the published testament of the private secretary of Cecil John Rhodes, Philip Jourdan, from 1902 with statements about the relationship between Rhodes and Radziwill. Articles about the girlfriend of Rhodes from a Russian magazin from 1902 and 1903 in Russian and handwritten transcript translated into German. Some conversation of Fleischhauer with people that he thought can help him to obtain the address of Radziwill from 1936. Then Pichel could help. Transcription of an excerpt of an article from of Radziwill that appeared in the French newspaper\"Mariann\" that was published in the\"Berner Tagwach\" at 30.01.36. The article is against the Duce. Many handwritten and typed letters from May and June 1935 from Freyenwald and Fleischhauer to different people starting the investigation about Radziwill. In the file is an answer to a letter from Freyenwald suggesting to turn to the Ossolinski Institute in Lemberg. Transcription of an article of Radzwill from 02.02.35 about a possible plot against Hitler published in the magazine Freiheit in New York. Letter from Fleischhauer to someone in Vienna from 29.05.35 with the request to contact a Radzwill in Vienna to find members of the family. Fleischhauer is concerned that Baumgarten and Loosli try to put wrongdoing of Princesse Radziwill on members of her family."@eng . "5 electronic resources (157 pages)"@eng . "[Princess Radziwill]"@eng . . . . . . . "[Princess Radziwill]"@eng .