"The file contains the verdict of the defendants mentioned in the following list: Ernst Bradac (born on 4 November 1894 in Statenitz) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – death penalty, a fine of 1.600 RM and a compensation of 11.200 RM; Franz Stübchen (born on 17 May 1892 in Prague) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – eight years in a penitentiary, a fine of 1.500 RM and a compensation of 10.000 RM; Georg Mauer (born on 11 June 1902 in Prague) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – death penalty; Anton Pospisil (born on 19 December 1901 in Choteborsch) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – six years in a penitentiary, a fine of 1.000 RM and a compensation of 5.000 RM; Wenzel Pluhar (born on 22 August 1882 in Teschowitz) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – a fine of 1.000 RM; Alois Mrkvicka (born on 21 June 1892 in Prague) – n.a. – n.a.; Jaroslaus Pluhar (born on 29 July 1887 inj Prague) – n.a. – n.a.; Franz Kalas (born on 6 April 1900 in Prague) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – six years in a penitentiary; Jaroslaus Hlavacek (born on 22 October 1901 in Schw. Kosteletz) – n.a. – n.a.; Gaudenzius Saal (born on 6 May 1886 in Prague) – n.a. – n.a.; Johann Bergmann (born on 12 December 1881 in Krechleb) – n.a. – n.a.; Maximilian Hanus (born on 12 December 1890 in Prague) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – three years and six months in a penitentiary, a fine of 1.500 RM and a compensation of 10.000 RM; Vera Protivinska (born on 23 June 1916 in Laun) – n.a. – n.a.; Wenzel Mimra (born on 20 April 1902 in Pilgrams) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – six months in jail; Johann Zitek (born on 29 May 1897 in Pech-Lhota) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – nine months in jail, a fine of 75 RM and a compensation of 400 RM; Franz Stach (born on 30 August 1912 in Pech-Lhota) – participation ar illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – one year and six months in a penitentiary, a fine of 200 RM and a compensation of 1.400 RM; Josef Dvorak (born on 14 February 1903 in Scheirov) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – two years in a penitentiary, a fine of 300 RM and a compensation of 1.700 RM; Miloslav Korabek (born on 5 March 1900 in Horni-Holetin) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – one year and six months in a penitentiary, a fine of 100 RM and a compensation of 500 RM; Ignatz Lang (born on 17 January 1908 in Langenbruck) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – nine months in jail, a fine of 75 RM and a compensation of 400 RM; Josef Fukar (born on 26 October 1888 in Jemenik) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – two years and six months in a penitentiary, a fine of 1.500 RM and a compensation of 10.000 RM; Johann Kabelka (born on 9 December 1897 in Geiersberg) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – two years in jail, a fine of 80 RM and a compensation of 1.200 RM; Josef Polivka (born on 18 March 1909 in Chlumetz) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – death penalty; Rudolf Paul Brabec (29 June 1911 in Tschaslau) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – death penalty; Franz Vovsik (10 November 1910 in Bradiska) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – one year in jail, a fine of 80 RM and a compensation of 1.200 RM; Miloslaus Novotny (born on 28 October 1909 in Pruhonitz) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – one year in jail, a fine of 80 RM and a compensation of 1.200 RM; Ignatz Jelinek (born on 24 May 1906 in Prague) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – death penalty, a fine of 50 RM and a compensation of 350 RM; Dr. Ing. Anton Kleinberg (born on 9 October 1901 in Lodenitz) – n.a. – n.a.; Wenzel Janousek (born on 30 August 1906 in Prag-Bochnitz) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – one year and six months in jail, a fine of 50 RM and a compensation of 350 RM; Anton Kubec (born on 12 January 1890 in Nehanin) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – a fine of 2.000 RM; Wenzel Jelinek (born on 9 September 1903 in Prague) – n.a. – n.a.; Antonia Petricek (born on 20 May 1905 in Wodochod) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – nine months in jail; Stanislaus Nedbal (born on 6 January 1906 in Dorn-Aujest) – n.a. – n.a.; Vlastimil Capek (born on 1 March 1906 in Hlobomechy) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – six months in jail, a fine of 100 RM and a compensation of 500 RM; Johann Kettner (born on 9 October 1906 in Prague) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – six months in jail; Johann Jelinek (born on 16 May 1898 in Prague) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – one year and three months in a penitentiary; Georg Hladik (born on 16 October 1909 in Masshaupt) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – two years and six months in a penitentiary; Josef Ryska (born on 15 December 1905 in Prague) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – nine months in jail; Dr. Miroslaus Appelt (born on 24 January 1904 in Prague) – n.a. – n.a.; Otokar Vavrejn (born on 16 July 1898 in Prague) – participation at illicit slaughterings and illegal trading activities – three months in jail."@eng . "1 electronic resource (62 pages)"@eng . . "[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]"@eng . . . . "[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]"@eng . .