"The file contains the letter of accusation against 12 defendants and the the verdict of one of the said defendants. Wenzel Barta (born on 23 September 1921 in Roskosch) was found guilty of heading a group of people blackmailing supposedly gay people in order to profit financially. His complices, the other 11 defendants, were acquitted. The following list contains their names, their birth dates and places: Franz Neuzil (born on 29 August 1923 in Frauenberg), Josef Stanzel (born on 12 April 1925 in Mährisch-Schönberg), Miroslav Brazda (born on 26 July 1924 in Prague), Stanislaus Bejcek (born on 1 October 1921 in Lom bei Brüx), Josef Novak (born on 10 February 1925 in Lobositz), Wenzel Krlin (born on 8 September 1920 in Woselno), Franz Martinec (born on 1 July 1923 in Jitschin), Bohumil Machacek (born on 4 June 1926 in Teptin), Franz Krcmar (born on 10 January 1918 in Drisi), Alois Rehak (born on 25 June 1913 in Prague), Franz Kosek (born on 1 August 1920 in Kneznic)."@eng . "1 electronic resource (13 pages)"@eng . . "[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]"@eng . . . . "[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]"@eng . .