"The file contains the verdict of Hubert Kierski; the document mentions six other defendants as well - however, it does not contain any information on the crime itself or the punishment. Hubert Kierski (born on 15 November 1894 in Zichenau) was found guilty of slaughteringt at least six pigs without permission and sentenced to death. The following is a list of the six other defendants, their birth places and dates: Julia Kierski (born in 1894 in Ciezniewo), Stefan Chadzinski (born on 25 February 1905 in Kuskowo-Glinke), Stanislawa Ostaszewski (born on 18 December 1918 in Zichenau), Zofja Ostaszewski (born in 1892 in Pawlowo), Janina Gaslorowski (born on 8 December in Zichenau) and Jadwiga Wiktorowicz (born in 1912 in Zichenau)."@eng . "1 electronic resource (5 pages)"@eng . . "[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]"@eng . . . . "[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]"@eng . .